Monday, January 2, 2017

Happy New Year !!!!

Welcome 2017

Grade 8

The next couple of weeks we are going to be Architects. 

Tuesday and Wednesday:  Watch the  Edpuzzle Architecture Career and  the following video

on Tiny Houses.

 Why? You might be asking yourself. Well, you are going to build a model for a Tiny House! At the end of the project we will vote on  the best model.

After completing the two Edpuzzles go to and continue with your lessons.

Thursday and Friday:   Watch the Edpuzzle Tiny House Scale Model, You will work in groups of two
and start to design your tiny house.  You will sketch it out , also use scale so you will use the

provided graphing paper, rulers.   Remember to go back and research tiny houses if you need any

ideas.   You will design how it will look outside and inside.  You can use this class and a class next





Grade 6
You will be working with bridges

Tuesday, Wednesday: If you haven't seen the Edpuzzle "What 

Makes Bridges Strong?" please watch it and answer questions. 

Then, go to

Grade 6 MWF  Go to the following link:

Grade 6 T- TH -  Go to the following link:

Wednesday and Friday:
You will work on groups of two.  Design your bridge on paper first, you will use your design to 

calculate how many popsicle sticks you will needs to construct it.  After designing it please write 

down on your paper an estimate of popsicle sticks.  The more accurate you are the better, your bridge 

needs to be at least 12 inches long, 6 inches wide and 6 inches long.  You will start building when 

you turn in your design. 

When you are done, please go to

Grade 6 MWF  Go to the following link:

Grade 6 T- TH -  Go to the following link:

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