Dear Students,
As we prepare to close the quarter, please make sure that you turn in ALL PENDING EDPUZZLE. Also, please finish your floor plan and show it to covering teacher.
Please see rubric in your Google Classroom. Make sure you have all elements to get a 4.
Many of you have been unable to email my account. That is why is important that you show your work to the teacher that is covering the class.
6th Grade
As we prepare to close the quarter, please make sure that you turn in ALL PENDING EDPUZZLE. Also, please finish your floor plan and show it to covering teacher.
Please finish your Brochure this week, use Spell Check under Tools. Also remember that you need to add accurate information under each session. If you don't remember what to add go back to your references : Exemplar, List of things to include and Rubric. REMEMBER TO TURN YOUR WORK IN. USE YOUR GOOGLE CLASSROOM.
Make sure you turn in your best work!
6th and 8th graders
When you are done with your work, please go to remember to click on the Link to your Class. We are working on Code Studio 2
Grade 8 MWF - Go to the following link: