Sunday, December 18, 2016

December 19th to December 23rd, 2016

Grade 6 M-W-F and T-TH

This week you will be working with bridges:  

Have you ever thought, how bridges work?
You will learn about the bridge engineering.  Why are bridges strong?

First watch in Google Classroom and answer questions: What Makes Bridges Strong? 

Second: Watch the Bridge Challenge.  You will build a bridge next on your next session.

After completing the EDPuzzle go to Course 2.  Below are the links:
Grade 6 MWF  Go to the following link:

Grade 6 T- TH -  Go to the following link:

Grade 8 M-W-F and T-TH

You will learn about benefits $$$ of being an engineer.
Watch the two Edpuzzle in your Google Classroom.  Remember if you haven't completed the EDpuzzle Engineering the future, do it now.  Progress report go out this week.

Then go to
Grade 8 MWF -  Go to the following link: 

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