Sunday, January 10, 2016

Week January 11- 15

Hello Technology Class,
Many new things are coming to technology, but first our Argumentative Writing needs to be completed.  The deadline will be 2/1/16.   Remember that you can come see me during your lunch and that I stay late on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This week I have breakfast duty so I will not be available before school.

Station 1 -3
In this Station we will write an Argumentative Essay.  
If you have not done this please, click on the following link

Then choose one of the following topics:  After selecting your topic write your claim, then using a bullet format write evidence from the article to use as evidence in your essay.  You will also find additional links to other articles related to your topic, read them if you need more information.

1) How Well Do You Think Standardized Tests Measure Your Abilities?
2) Apple CEO: More computer science and coding education needed

3)  Should Students Be Able to Grade Their Teachers?

4) Do Schools Provide Students With Enough Opportunities to Be Creative?

The same way we used a rubric in our prior project , attached is the link to the rubric for this piece of writing.

  The next step is using Google Docs, become familiar with different tools, share our work with our group to comment on it.  Remember to be a good digital citizen, respect other's work and use your own words.(EACH ONE OF YOU IS UNIQUE, SHARE YOUR POINT OF VIEW)Station 2

Access your account so your activity and progress can be recorded, I look at the data. At the end of the session, take the one minute test.

Station 4

Coding  (Remember to go to Course 2 in Code Studio)
Please go to:

Grade 6 MWF

Grade 7 MWF

Grade 8 MWF

Grade 7 T TH

Grade 8 T TH

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