Sunday, March 26, 2017

March 26th - 31st.

Hello WBMS Techies!

This week you have many assignments to complete.

6th grade 
You are still working on designing your house using  
Finish this one first.

Also you have three new assignments in Google Classroom.

8th grade

You are still working on your Google Sheet Project.  Remember the last part is to research 10 professions and careers, find the income in a year place them correctly on the Google Sheet.  Then find the average income and make a table.

After you are done with your Google Sheet Project, then go to Google Classroom and complete all the assignments. 

Sunday, March 12, 2017

March 13- 17, 2017

March 13th -17th


Use Google Slide to make a collage of things that represent you. We will work on diversity, we will see how diverse our class is. Be creative use poems, pictures, song verses, maps, etc...    After you are done, we will look for similarities and differences and develop a working definition of diversity.  Post it in  Google Classroom.

 Go to to draw the plans of your tiny house.  Sign in with Google account free.  In this site you will be able to design a house, add furniture and finishings.  Let your imagination run wild, you can have two to three floors.

I will see all your designs!

You also have access to

Sunday, March 5, 2017

March 6 - March 10

8th Grade:

Go to Google Classroom. Please complete all assignments that you have not completed.  Progress Reports are going home Tuesday!

When done go to coding  using your link.

Grade 8 MWF -  Go to the following link: 

6th Grade:
Go to Google Classroom, complete the assignements you have not completed Please do so, both are due on Friday.  Progress Reports are going TUESDAY!

Grade 6 MWF  Go to the following link:

Grade 6 T- TH -  Go to the following link: